Tuesday, July 13, 2010

"Man In the Middle"

Man in the middle
Caught between my heart
And who I "ought" to be

Torn between two masters
The passion of God's breath
Or, the mold that this world affords

Breathlessly run to one
But which to serve
Not to serve but to BE

The intent of Papa's heart
Knit together in my mother's womb
Reveals the blueprint of the unmarred design

Din of well-meaning voices
Crying from every corner
Many sculptors framing my life

Father Potter moisten, tear down
And reshape Your clay
Remake the vessel to carry your weight

by GMM Jr

1 comment:

Carol said...

Wow! How many years have I known you and not known that you write poetry? Thank you for taking a chance and revealing something more intimate about yourself. I love it. I look forward to following your blog.